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Sell Litecoin »
Zakup litecoinów ?

You are buying Litecoin LTC:

0 LTC ?

exchange rate:   284,01 LTCPLN

Trwa wysyłanie...

Metody płatności ?

Cash / Card at Żabka ?


Fast payment at the post office

Normal transfer ?

  • Instant payment at Żabka and Freshmarket stores.

  • 4coins commission: 2% of the deposited amount

  • Instant transfer

  • Online bank transfers

  • standard transfer

  • 4coins commission: 2.5% of the deposited amount

  • Commission 5 PLN regardless
    of the deposited amount.

  • Execution within 1-2 h of making the payment at the counter.

  • 4coins commission: 2% of the deposited amount

  • Execution according to the Elixir sessions
    of your bank.

  • Posting 24/7 up to 15 minutes
    of receiving the transfer.

  • 4coins commission: 2% of the deposited amount

Zakup litecoinów »
Sell Litecoin ?

Poprzez przelew możesz wypłacić tylko te środki, które zakupiłeś w 4coins.


0 PLN ?

exchange rate:   282,19 LTCPLN

0 LTC ?

exchange rate:   282,19 PLN/LTC

Trwa wysyłanie...

Bank transfer ?

  • Execution on the next business day

  • Prowizja 4coins: 2% od wymienianej kwoty.

Withdrawal at ATMs ?

  • Instant execution without a card

  • Opłata 10,00 PLN / wypłata

  • Dzienny limit wypłat 10 500,00 PLN

  • Prowizja 4coins: 2% od wymienianej kwoty.

Recent transactions

27 July 20,00 PLN 0.052240 LTC
27 July 3 000,00 PLN 10.077083 LTC
27 July 50,00 PLN 0.000123 BTC
27 July 200,00 PLN 0.000660 BTC
27 July 100,00 PLN 0.338385 LTC
27 July 20,00 PLN 0.060554 LTC
27 July 400,00 PLN 0.001353 BTC
27 July 16,70 PLN 0.041165 LTC
27 July 110,00 PLN 0.371944 LTC
27 July 138,75 PLN 0.000444 BTC