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AML Policy

This document is the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy of owned by Edos sp. z o.o. sp. k. called 4coins. Questions and doubts should be sent to Edos sp. z o.o. sp. k., ul. J. Kustronia 51, 30-433 Kraków, Poland.

1. The AML policy is presented to handle 4coins compatibility with current European and Polish requirements and legislation rules. The main objective is to eliminate the use of the portal in an illegitimate way. An AML Compliance Officer was designated by the board of directors.

2. One of the main objectives of the AML policy is to establish a risk-based approach in evaluating and managing the risk of money laundering for the company. Each customer is subject to a due diligence process with obtaining a bank confirmed address in accordance with KYC (Know Your Customer) that includes due diligence checks for higher-risk customers. 4coins maintains the highest level of care in order to ensure proper identification of the final owner of funds and uses increased security measures in cases of increased risk of money laundering. All information is determined at 4coins’s discretion.

3. 4coins established and developed risk-based procedures and monitoring systems to filter activities of customers and employees. Each case of risky behavior is caught, flagged and reported.

4. Transactions that are suspected to be a case of illegal activities are not executed.

5. In any case of abuse of the 4coins services by a customer for the purpose of money laundering, 4coins reserves the right to suspend the user’s account, freeze any funds pending the outcome of an internal investigation. 4coins reserves also the right to report any suspicious activity to 3rd party vendors involved in the transaction process or law authorities without the customer’s knowledge.

6. Every customer of is obligated to agree to the service terms and conditions which involves the AML policy.

7. Services are prepared to fill the given reports of the suspected of money laundering customers with all the information stored in the services, such as: bank account numbers, numbers of transactions, IP addresses, Bitcoin wallet addresses, transactions history and any other relevant meta data.

8. As part of the service terms and conditions reserves the right to demand additional information at any time to verify the customer’s identity and further information obtained from 3rd party vendors to fulfill the money laundering regulations.

9. Preserved records are stored for at least 5 years.

10. Periodic and onboarding training for all employees affected by the AML policy is provided.